This getting started guide is intended for developers. See below for instructions on how to install Spark and bring it into your existing build.
Spark assumes your project is using Sass for styling and that your project has a JavaScript build step that will transpile ES6+ and polyfill appropriately for browser support.
Install the npm package.
npm install --save-dev @sparkdesignsystem/spark-core
Import the Sass setup file in your Sass build. This will bring all Spark-Core Sass patterns into your build. The Spark classes are namespaced so that they don't affect any existing css.
@import "node_modules/@sparkdesignsystem/spark-core/spark-core";
Import the ES6 setup file in your JS build. This will bring all the Spark-Core JS into your build. There is also an ES5 version if preferred. It's located in @sparkdesignsystem/spark-core/es5.
import "@sparkdesignsystem/spark-core/spark-core";
If you plan to use Icons, you'll need to include the svg sprite file that contains the symbols in your HTML build process.
The contents should be placed under the opening
You will also need to perform a typekit setup for your application.
The main content area of your site will also need to have a data attribute set:
Spark's Angular implementation assumes a few things about your project.
We assume that your project is processing Sass rather than plain CSS for style information. More information for converting an Angular project to SCSS is available at
We assume that your Angular project is using at least Angular 6 with Typescript or is an Angular-CLI based project.
In order to get started with
, you'll need to follow these steps:
Install the npm package.
npm install --save-dev @sparkdesignsystem/spark-core-angular
Import the Sass setup file in your Angular application's global styles Sass file. This can be done in the scss file specified at the highest level of your app. This will bring all Spark-Core patterns into your build. The .scss file extension is needed in the case of Angular so as to not conflict with JS files.
@import "node_modules/@sparkdesignsystem/spark-core/spark-core.scss";
You'll need to
import the
in your main app.module.ts file and add it to the NgModule imports array.
import { SparkCoreAngularModule } from "@sparkdesignsystem/spark-core-angular";
If you plan to use Icons, you'll need to render the icon set at the outermost level of your application, underneath the opening HTML body tag. This is typically done in a global layout file.
You will also need to perform a typekit setup for your application.
Install the npm package.
npm install --save-dev
Import any of the Spark-Extras Sass patterns that you need.
@import "node_modules/@sparkdesignsystem/spark-extras/components/<pattern-name>/<pattern-name>";
Import any of the Spark-Extras JS patterns that you need.
import <pattern-name> from "@sparkdesignsystem/spark-extras/components/<pattern-name>/<pattern-name>";
The Spark Angular Extras components rely on the Spark Core Angular npm package and the SparkCoreAngularModule importation documented above. Make sure that is done in order to use the extras components. If your baseURL if not set in your Typescript config file then you will need the additional './' prepended to the path for the module imports.
Install the npm package for the Spark Extra that you need.
npm install --save-dev @sparkdesignsystem/spark-extras-angular-[package-name]
You'll need to import the NgModule provided.
import { Spark[PatternName]Module } from '@sparkdesignsystem/spark-extras-angular-[pattern-name]';
Spark supports the following browsers (current version and 1 prior):
Spark also supports the following:
If you are interested in contributing to Spark, please read our full change workflow and contribution guide to get started.
Spark follows specific coding styles for HTML, CSS and JavaScript to ensure maintainability and scalability. To successfully make a commit in this repo the code must pass the pre-commit hooks that will run automatically on commit. The pre-commit hooks run ESLint, Stylelint and an additional code formatter, prettier.
Spark is managed as a monorepo. All of the Spark source code lives in a single repo, but is released as separate packages using Lerna.
This repo consists of the design system packages, wrapped in an instance of Drizzle, a tool built by cloudfour, for displaying pattern libraries. Spark uses Drizzle for documentation and plain html code examples.
In the packages folder are Spark-Core and Spark-Extras. These are the files that are published to npm.
npm install
gulp --dev
Open your browser to http://localhost:3000/.