The Award component showcases awards in a vertically stacked layout that switches to side by side on larger screens.
This is an example of disclaimer content. The aria-expanded="true" attribute will be viewable in the DOM on the toggle link when this content is shown. When this content is hidden the aria-expanded attribute will have the value of false. This helps accessibilty devices in understanding that the link is a control for expandable content.
<div class="sprk-o-CenteredColumn sprk-o-Stack sprk-o-Stack--medium">
<h2 class="sprk-o-Stack__item sprk-o-Stack__item--center sprk-b-TypeDisplayFive sprk-b-Measure sprk-b-Measure--narrow sprk-u-TextAlign--center">
Super Awesome Award Example Component That Is So Fun
<div class="sprk-o-Stack__item sprk-o-Stack sprk-o-Stack--medium sprk-o-Stack--split@s">
<a class="sprk-o-Stack__item sprk-o-Stack__item--equal@s sprk-o-Stack" href="">
class="sprk-o-Stack__item sprk-o-Stack__item--center"
alt="Spark placeholder image"
src="../../assets/toolkit/images/spark-placeholder.jpg" />
<a class="sprk-o-Stack__item sprk-o-Stack__item--equal@s sprk-o-Stack" href="">
class="sprk-o-Stack__item sprk-o-Stack__item--center"
alt="Spark placeholder image"
src="../../assets/toolkit/images/spark-placeholder.jpg" />
<div class="sprk-o-Stack__item" data-sprk-toggle="container">
<a class="sprk-b-TypeBodyThree sprk-b-Link sprk-b-Link--standalone" data-sprk-toggle="trigger" href="#">
<svg class="sprk-c-Icon sprk-u-mrs" data-sprk-toggle="icon" viewBox="0 0 448 512">
<use xlink:href="#chevron-down"></use>
My Disclaimer
<p class="sprk-b-TypeBodyFour sprk-u-pts sprk-u-HideWhenJs" data-sprk-toggle="content">
This is an example of disclaimer content. The aria-expanded="true" attribute will be viewable in the DOM on the toggle link when this content is shown. When this content is hidden the aria-expanded attribute will have the value of false. This helps accessibilty devices in understanding that the link is a control for expandable content.
<sprk-award splitAt="tiny" title="Spark Award Component" imgOneSrc="" imgTwoSrc="" imgOneAlt="placeholder!" imgOneHref="" imgTwoHref="" imgTwoAlt="placeholder!" disclaimerCopy="This is some copy for the disclaimer about disclaimer things." disclaimerTitle="My disclaimer title" analyticsStringImgOne="Foo" analyticsStringImgTwo="Test">
See below for available customization options:
Input | Type | Description |
additionalClasses | string | Expects a space-separated list of classes to append to the class attribute of the sprk-award component. |
analyticsStringImgOne | string | The string that will be assigned to the data-analytics attribute of the first image. |
analyticsStringImgTwo | string | The string that will be assigned to the data-analytics attribute of the second image. |
disclaimerCopy | string | The text that will be inside the disclaimer toggle at the bottom of the footer. |
disclaimerTitle | string | The text that will be the clickable title of the disclaimer toggle. |
imgOneAlt | string | The alt text that will be applied to the first image. |
imgOneHref | string | The value assigned to href in the link surrounding the first image. |
imgOneSrc | string | The value assigned to the src attribute of the first image. |
imgTwoAlt | string | The alt text that will be applied to the second image. |
imgTwoHref | string | The value assigned to href in the link surrounding the second image. |
imgTwoSrc | string | The value assigned to the src attribute of the second image. |
splitAt | string | The relative size of viewport that the award component should switch from a stacked layout to a spread out layout. Values can be 'tiny', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'huge'. You will need to experiment with your content to see which value is the best fit. |
title | string | The text that appears above the images and serves as the heading for the award section. |